Top Ways to Lose Deep Belly Fat

Top Ways to Lose Deep Belly Fat
Photo by Alonso Reyes / Unsplash

Most people desire to lose belly fat to look and feel better; however, it can be difficult to do so. Visceral fat is defined as excess intra-abdominal adipose tissue accumulation that forms a gel-like fat that wraps around major organs like the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. This “deep” fat is stored underneath subcutaneous fat and is hard to quantify, but a protruding belly and large waist are warning signs that visceral fat is being stored.

Storing excess fat around organs boosts the production of pro-inflammatory chemicals, called cytokines, and interferes with hormone regulation. This disrupts the “fat-storage” hormone- insulin. After eating, the pancreas releases insulin into the bloodstream to push glucose into cells to be used as fuel. The problem arises when there is too much glucose in the bloodstream and cells already have filled with glycogen (stored glucose). This causes glucose to be stored as fat. When insulin is elevated fat burning cannot take place. The result weight gain, excess belly fat, and more hunger which creates a vicious cycle of sugar cravings, hunger, and consumption of sweets.

It is important to note that anyone can have visceral fat without even knowing it. Fortunately, this fat is able to be lost and dropping just 10-20 pounds or 10% of your body weight can make a huge difference. Awareness of visceral fat and how to lose it is vital in protecting your health and longevity into older age.

Ways to Lose Deep Belly Fat

Visceral fat is stubborn and hard to lose, but can be done with some discipline and commitment to yourself. Women with a waist circumference more than 35 inches and men with a waist circumference more than 40 inches are at a heightened risk for multiple diseases and should try to lower stored fat as soon as possible. Losing visceral fat takes hard work and a combination of regular exercise and proper diet, which is essential for optimal hormone regulation, weight control, mood, and cognition. Top ways to lose visceral belly fat include intense exercise, stress management, apple cider vinegar, cooking at home, intermittent fasting, and avoiding added sugars and processed foods.

Intense Exercise

One of the best ways to acquire a slim waistline is to practice consistent intense exercise. Intense physical activity should be performed for one hour at least 2-3 times a week, preferably in the morning time to get the maximum benefit. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a perfect way to build muscle, enhance cardiovascular fitness, and burn fat 24-48 hours after the workout. The goal of HIIT is to create enough intensity up to your ability to tolerate so that hormones, chemicals, and enzymes can come in to repair and build a stronger body. Consider working with a personal trainer or fitness coach to achieve your goals and always remember to allow full recovery in between workouts.

Stress Reduction

Chronic stress causes the stress hormone, cortisol to be chronically elevated, which results in increased central adiposity deposits, water retention, high blood sugar, and weight gain. Overthinking, negative thought patterns, watching the news, toxic people, comparison, world uncertainty, and consuming processed foods can all lead to chronic stress and an increased waist circumference. It is vital to regularly practice healthy stress management techniques like breathwork, meditation, yoga, getting out in nature, sauna bathing, walking, and connecting with uplifting people. Make sure to avoid individuals who bring you down and watching the news. While at home, stay busy, so you can keep your mind off problems and prevent eating out of boredom.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) contains acetic acid, a potent blood sugar lowering compound that makes insulin more sensitive and less resistant resulting in improved glucose levels and insulin resistance. ACV helps lower blood sugar even when consuming carbohydrates. ACV creates an acidic environment in the body leading to better digestion and no bloating. Mix 1-2 tablespoons with 16 ounces of water and drink before meals.

Cooking At Home

Making meals at home is one of the best ways to take charge of your health and full control of the ingredients in your food. Cooking together offers you an opportunity to reconnect with your partner and loved ones. Eating out may be fun and convenient, but a lot of restaurants and fast food chains fry food in rancid seed oils, use fake ingredients, and add sugar to dishes. Meals cooked at home are usually healthier and less caloric than at restaurants.

Avoid Added Sugars and Processed Foods

Added sugars, high fructose corn syrup, and trans fats are a major problem in the modern day diet. These types of sugary drinks and highly processed foods are considered “empty” calories because they provide zero nutritional value. Excessive consumption can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, and metabolic issues. Experiment with healthy options and avoid soda, sports drinks, pre-packaged protein shakes, juice boxes, and energy drinks, while limiting refined carbs, such as, crackers, pretzels, chips, and pancakes. Drink coconut water and eat oranges, watermelon, almond flour pancakes, and grass fed beef jerky as snacks. Elimination of sugary drinks and liquid calories is absolutely key in losing deep belly fat.

Intermittent Fasting

Fasting is a great way to optimize your health and very beneficial to lose visceral fat. Fasting can help reduce inflammation, brain fog, and insulin resistance. It also increases energy and bone density and activates autophagy, which is the process of cleaning our damaged cells.

The most optimal types of fasting to target visceral fat are a 16:8 fasting pattern and a 20:4 fasting pattern. To begin 16:8, skip breakfast and have your first meal around noon and your last meal at 6 pm. This leaves you with about a 16-hour fasting window and an 8-hour eating window (16:8). To reduce your eating window, a 20:4 intermittent fasting plan is ideal for fast weight loss. This gives your body 20 hours of fasting. With this plan, your eating window could be 12-4 pm or 2-6pm. During your eating window, consume all your meals, eliminate snacks, add healthy fats to meals, and make sure to add salt and minerals to your water.

Final Thoughts

Visceral fat is a major problem across the globe and linked to an increased risk of heart disease, depression, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, cancer, stroke, obesity, dementia, and sexual dysfunction. Top ways to lose visceral belly fat include intense exercise, stress management, apple cider vinegar, cooking at home, intermittent fasting, and avoiding added sugars and refined carbohydrates. Visceral fat is dangerous because it acts like its own inflammatory, hormonal organ that is able to alter inflammatory pathways and dysregulate hormones that control appetite, mood, weight, and brain function. This creates a cascade of detrimental effects on the body and lays the foundation for chronic disease.

Thank you for reading this article.


This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.