How Yoga Promotes Optimal Digestion & Gut Health

How Yoga Promotes Optimal Digestion & Gut Health

Yoga activates the parasympathetic nervous system (rest + digest response). Gut-focused yoga poses stimulate gut neurons to communicate with the brain via the vagus nerve. Meditation, movement and breath work regulate vagus nerve activation, which is crucial to gut health and an optimally working stress response. One of yoga’s key benefits is that it improves parasympathetic tone by getting the vagus nerve to fire at peak level. Connecting with the breath helps facilitate a healthier diaphragmatic breathing pattern. This allows the vagus nerve and brain to work cohesively to improve digestion, promote, sleep, and produce less tension and agitation. Yoga massages digestive organs and glands, which enhances micronutrient absorption and helps a wide variety of human body functions. Yoga also supports gut motility and endorses a calm, relaxed state of awareness. This helps regulate digestion, prevent an overworked gut, and boost overall GI health.

Above are some top yoga poses for gut health. Practice holding each pose for 5-10 minutes. Focus on the breath and breathe into the belly. Each pose has its own benefits.

Find the place to simply be and focus on the breath. Your gut will be very thankful.

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